Like most major publishing houses, Acanexus receive many more manuscripts for review than we publish. However, we understand that every manuscript is the result of hard work and passion – and that every manuscript has potential for success. We therefore treat every manuscript with respect. Submitting something that you have put so much work and soul into as a manuscript for a book, to a third party for review is a daunting task – but with Acanexus you need not worry.


Every manuscript is reviewed with an open mind – and even if we decide not to publish, we will return your manuscript with an explanation and with comments. Often, we will give suggestions that may eventually lead to a successful publication through Acanexus or another publishing house.


If we decide to publish your book, we will offer you a standard contract where we agree to do all the traditional jobs of a professional printing house. We will arrange the typesetting and design, we will arrange the printing and binding, we will apply for an ISBN and we will arrange all the marketing. The amount of royalties you will receive depends on a number of factors – such as the number of books sold, the price of the books, and the royalty rate. The price and the number of sales obviously depend on the topic, size of the market, how well-known your name is within the target group, and how your book deals with the topic. Promotional efforts also affect sales, and we will start planning the marketing well in advance – usually long before the book is actually sent for printing, and we work together with you as the author to plan the marketing.


To contact us with general questions regarding publishing, please email us on

Submit a manuscript

In order for us to review your manuscript, please submit the following: A brief CV or some details about yourself in the body of the email or as a Word file, your manuscript as a Word file and contact details including minimum a daytime phone number (cellphone) and an email address. If required, please contact us prior to the sending us your manuscript to obtain a signed NDA.

